Why Salmon Is Fabulous For The Cancer Survivor & A Deliciously Healthy Recipe

Why should a cancer survivor enjoy Salmon with Grainy Mustard and Wheat Germ Topping?
Let me explain… One of the top nutrients for immune function is omega-3 fatty acid. This makes omega-3 fatty acid a MUST for cancer thrivers!
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Omega-3 fatty acid is found in cold water fish including salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies and trout. It is important for you as a cancer survivor (and thriver!) to include these types of fish in your diet regularly (about two times per week). This is because omega-3 is a strong anti-inflammatory (the strongest in fact) and it can also support the immune system. A strong immune system can mean a better defense against cancer cells!
There is a Catch!
There is indeed a catch at the end of the salmon line. The catch is that researchers discovered that omega-3 could reduce T-cell mediated immune function. This means that it can actually reduce the functioning of this part of the immune system. Yikes!! But I just said that omega-3 was immune boosting, right? It is immune boosting, BUT you have to combine omega-3 with other foods properly to achieve this immune boosting effect.
Food Combining to The Rescue
The solution to overcoming the immune weakening effect of omega-3 is to include an antioxidant along with the fish oil. In the research, a supplement of 100 and 200 IU of vitamin E (an antioxidant) was used. While the research on this used a vitamin E supplement, you can also get your antioxidants from food.
Antioxidants Plus Omega-3
Antioxidants include vitamins E and C, as well as beta-carotene, flavonoids and selenium. A wheat germ crust (wheat germ is high in vitamin E) with salmon is an example of combining an antioxidant with omega-3. And it’s delicious!